君咨在知识产权整体服务方面拥有卓越的实力和丰富的经验, 核心团队成员行业经验均在十年以上,学历均是法学本科和理工科本科。服务范围涵盖专利、商标、著作权,从知识产权的申请、管理、维权、增值到运营等,多维度提供个性化的解决方案。在专利领域,君咨具备深厚的专业背景和技术实力,从专利检索、申请到维护,每个环节都经过严格的质量控制;在商标领域,君咨凭借丰富的经验,为企业提供商标查询、注册、维权等一站式服务,确保客户的商标权益得到充分保护;而在著作权领域,君咨以专业的视角和高效的服务,助力客户全面布局和保护其原创作品。
About Us
Guangzhou JUNZ Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd. was founded at year 2017, to provide professional services in the filed of intellectual property in China and other countries, including trademark, patent, copyright and etc, from search, application, management, protection, and value-added to operation, and a range of professional Intellectual Property Law services.
In the field of patent, JUNZ IP has a profound professional background and technical strength, from patent search, application to maintenance, every stage has gone through strict quality control; In the field of trademarks, JUNZ IP provides enterprises with one-stop services, such as trademark search, registration, rights protection, etc., to ensure that clients' s trademark rights and interests are fully protected; In the field of copyright, with a professional perspective and efficient services, JUNZ IP helps clients to fully layout and protect their original works.
JUNZ IP is uniquely positioned as proving IP legal service, partners focus on the field of intellectual property for more than 20 years, and has an exceptional team of qualified IP professionals with more then 10 years of rich experience, We represent clients at all levels, from market leaders to local start-up companies, in dealing with the complex intellectual property issues they face in today’s global marketplace.
We are committed to providing clients with a full range of high-quality intellectual property services. we are responsible to clients and aim to ensure that clients’ s interaction with our firm is on a partnership level as opposed to just providing services and solutions, and we will strive to ensure that we always add value to you and meet your needs as best as we can.
In all aspects of our work. We are dedicated to maintaining the highest moral standards in our decisions, actions and communications to you.